
Fifth deployment of SAP EWM for warehouse management: ČEZ a.s.

Our fifth SAP EWM deployment project was a giant project to implement this warehouse management system in 16 warehouses of ČEZ a.s.

At the turn of 2023/2024, we helped 16 ČEZ warehouses at individual power plants, including the Temelín and Dukovany NPPs, to start up productively. By implementing SAP EWM, we followed up on 15 years of operation of managed warehouses in WM mode.

We asked our WMS solution architect Martin Prokop for details on this extensive project:

Big bang start

The start of all warehouses took place at the same time as the start of the newly converted ERP system from SAP ECC to S/4HANA, so in the form of a “big bang”. The overall project thus included dozens of consultants of all possible modules and teams, from many different supplier companies. Our task was to implement a completely new managed warehouse system with the support of mobile terminals in the environment of the S/4HANA conversion project.


Spare parts warehouses have their own specifics. There is a relatively small turnover in them, but at a decisive moment it is necessary to quickly remove the exact part, often even a specific serial number. So we tried to optimize and speed up the delivery process as much as possible. We made one integrated process from the original 4 steps (MIGO issue, creating a stock order and its copy, picking and handing over to the applicant, signing the issue). From the beginning of the process, the storekeeper only works with a mobile terminal, without going to a computer, etc.

We also solved the process of handing over the material to the applicant in a paperless way, by verifying the employee’s NFC card directly on the storekeeper’s terminal. We were pleased with the first positive feedback from the warehouse workers during the start-up support, when the straightforwardness of the process began to manifest itself in practice.

The solution for Kardex

We also offered a specific solution for storage in the Kardex towers, where individual shelves have a variable structure of storage locations. These are assembled on each shelf by optionally connecting segments in a 4×8 grid.

Using the application on the mobile terminal, we show the storekeeper an overview of the existing storage locations on the given shelf. In the grid, we show him the location of the target storage location for his storage order. We will allow you to switch to editing mode, in which the storekeeper can enlarge or reduce the storage area by choosing different combinations of segments, i.e. connect or divide it.

This will automatically delete the excess or create a new storage location. Everything happens in real time, at the locations with stock, and the master data of the EWM warehouse locations is synchronized with the Kardex subsystem.

(obr.) Segmenty tvořící dohromady jedno skladové místo jsou vizuálně ohraničené čárou.

Other challenges

Other challenges of the project included, for example, the actual introduction of working with mobile terminals in often topologically complex warehouse environments (e.g. the dam of a dam reservoir) and without the possibility of a stable wi-fi signal.

Last but not least, we addressed the need to ensure the continuity of warehouse operations during the productive start. One of the largest nuclear power plants was currently undergoing a planned shutdown, i.e. a situation in which the need for spare parts and their quick availability is critical.

We are grateful to the customer ČEZ that we were able to help them with this complex project, and we are glad that all warehouses were able to operate efficiently without our direct support just 14 days after the start.

About ČEZ a.s.

ČEZ, a.s. is one of the largest energy companies in Central and Eastern Europe and a leading producer and distributor of electricity in the Czech Republic. The company was founded in 1992 and has since become a key player in the European energy market. ČEZ owns and operates various types of power plants, including nuclear, coal, hydro, and renewable energy sources.

In addition to the production and distribution of electricity, ČEZ focuses on the development of new energy technologies, the promotion of energy efficiency and the implementation of smart networks. The ČEZ Group also operates in the field of coal mining, emission allowance trading and offers energy services for households and industrial enterprises. Thanks to its innovations and sustainable approach, ČEZ ranks among the most important energy companies in Europe.

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Jan Filip

Sales Director

+420 777 731 350