
SAP EWM add-ons (15.): Warehouse performance chart

We offer a solution that allows you to display a constantly updated overview of warehouse performance and comparison on a large screen in the warehouse.

Graf sledování výkonu pracovníků skladu z dat v SAP EWM

Business case

The primary objective is to evaluate the productivity of the workers in the warehouse and compare it in a fair way. Such an evaluation only makes sense if it captures all activities in the warehouse, including, for example, auxiliary cleaning work.

A secondary objective is to monitor the actual use of the total pool of working time by individual workers.

The next objective is then to estimate the total volume of work in FTEs and plan shift staffing, wave size or likely end of work accordingly.


  • Introduction of standard Labor Management including the link to the attendance system
  • Accurate warehouse layout definition in XYZ coordinate system to determine distances and planned duration of movements in the warehouse
  • Planning the time requirements of individual activity steps based on agreed standards. The times of the standards may consist of a fixed component and a variable component, which may be linked to the nature of the movement, quantity, volume, etc.
  • Timing of individual warehouse orders derived from the planned intensity (latest start deadline) for timely allocation of work
  • Estimate of future FTE work from both existing stock orders and deliveries for which stock processing has not yet begun
  • Scheduling of shift occupancy, wave size or likely end of work based on the current FTE pool for that shift
  • Capturing the actual performance performed and comparison with the plan/standard
  • Evaluation of standardised productivity
  • Reporting, charts
  • Export of employee remuneration documents
A report of the total work done by day and by worker, broken down by type of activity, with a comparison of plan and reality.

In addition, we created a customer chart for an overview of the current performance of warehousemen and their comparison, running constantly on a large screen in the warehouse. The comparison of worker performance runs against each other within a shift, across all types of activities in the warehouse. against each other within a shift, across all types of activities in the warehouse.

A graphical representation of which worker is meeting the schedule with greater efficiency and which is not meeting the standard processing time.

In addition, each warehouseman has the opportunity to view his current performance against the planned standard directly on the mobile terminal and thus has the ability to monitor his efficiency in real time.


Are you interested in a consultation regarding this solution? Feel free to contact us.


Martin Prokop

Martin Prokop

Contact us directly

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Jan Filip

Sales Director

+420 777 731 350