We will guide you through the process of assessing the suitability of the GROW with SAP solution for your company.
What is Digital Discovery Assessment at GROW with SAP?
The Digital Discovery Assessment is a process aimed at providing detailed information and analysis for companies considering using the GROW with SAP transformation package.
The Digital Discovery Assessment (DDA) process focuses on specific aspects and needs related to the use of the tools and services GROW with SAP package provides.
What does Digital Discovery Assessment with GROW with SAP involve?
SAP DDA is a tool used in the DISCOVER phase of SAP project implementation. Its main purpose is to help companies define the scope of their project and decide on the right setup of SAP S/4HANA in the public cloud version.
The DDA helps to assess criteria such as scalability, infrastructure, cost and range of features in order to select the most suitable option.
In the Pre-Selection Package, for example, SAP allows customers to choose from more than 650 scope items (functionality) available for the public cloud:
The Baseline Package includes key end-to-end processes in the areas of sales, finance and purchasing. In this baseline package you will find the Invoice to Cash, Order to Fulfill, Record to Report and Procure to Receipt processes.
Finance-Led ERP is a package that includes important standard processes for corporate financial management, which also include some functions in purchasing and sales.
Service-Centric ERP incorporates SAP’s central best practices for financial management, and thus for the operation of the administrative ERP system, but also for project-related functions, services and some selected industries.
Product Centric ERP contains standard SAP products for manufacturing and sales and includes key functions such as production and sales of manufacturing goods from the warehouse.
What does Digital Discovery Assessment with GROW with SAP involve?
Here are a few areas that the Digital Discovery Assessment for GROW with SAP typically covers:
Analysis of the existing ERP environment: Assess the organization’s current ERP system, including version, functionality used and customization. It evaluates how GROW with SAP can provide benefits and improvements over the current environment.
Business Process Assessment: The organization’s existing business processes are analyzed and areas that can be improved or optimized with GROW with SAP are identified. The goal is to understand how this initiative can add value and improve the organization’s operations.
Evaluation of the data environment: The availability and quality of the data sources required for the implementation of GROW with SAP are assessed. Any problems or gaps in the data environment are identified and measures are proposed to ensure proper data quality and availability.
Technology assessment: The technology requirements of GROW with SAP solutions are analysed and whether the organisation’s current IT infrastructure meets these requirements is assessed. Potential gaps are identified and measures are proposed to ensure compatibility and proper functioning of GROW with SAP.
Benefit-cost assessment: A thorough analysis of the benefits and costs associated with the use of the GROW with SAP package is being carried out. This includes an assessment of the financial aspects, expected revenues, investments and benefits to the organisation.
Transition and implementation plan: Based on the findings and analyses, a transition and implementation plan for the RISE with SAP solution is developed. The steps, schedule, resources and necessary actions for a successful migration within RISE with SAP are defined.
Security analysis: The security infrastructure and requirements of the organisation are assessed and potential security risks associated with migrating to the RISE with SAP solution are analysed. Measures are proposed to ensure data security and protect against threats.
Organizational analysis: Organizational readiness and adaptability to change and the new model from the RISE with SAP package is assessed. The required training for company employees is identified and measures for successful integration and adoption of the new system are proposed.
Corporate strategy and goals: How the GROW with SAP solutions can contribute to the achievement of the organisation’s corporate strategic goals is assessed. It analyses the key areas where GROW with SAP can bring value and strengthen the organisation’s competitive position.
Selecting the appropriate model: Based on the analysis and evaluation, the appropriate GROW with SAP model is recommended for a specific company.
Recommendations and Conclusion: The SAP Digital Discovery Assessment for GROW with SAP provides final recommendations and suggestions for an organization to proceed with the transition to GROW with SAP. Budget, timeline, resources needed, and process optimization are considered.
The goal of the SAP Digital Discovery Assessment is to provide organizations with a complete overview of the opportunities, benefits and challenges associated with migrating to a solution from the GROW with SAP suite.
Based on this assessment, organizations can better understand how GROW with SAP fits their needs and strategy, and what are the best steps to successfully implement and migrate to selected cloud solutions from this suite.
Are you interested in the GROW with SAP package? Do you have a specific question? Do not hesitate to contact me.
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