
Vladimír Vaněček
Jan Filip leads the sales department of MIBCON a.s. He shared with us some memories of how he started at the company.
Honza, you’ve been with Mibcon since 2012. How did it come your way?
In the previous company, I gradually reached the point where we had nothing more to give each other. I started thinking about a change and a coincidence led me to a headhunter from the IT business. We explained to each other that stability and the future is around SAP, he introduced me to another partner, and then I got in touch with Honza Holík, who was “to blame” for me getting to the then BPC division of Mibcon.
Did you start as a salesperson?
It was a bit unique. I started as both a consultant and a salesperson. Over time, it became clear that the latter was a better fit—I stopped consulting fairly quickly and focused solely on sales activities, fully transitioning into the emerging sales team.
One of the current trends is cloud ERP systems and business applications. What was ‘in’ when you started?
Well, we already had mobile phones, and they didn’t even have buttons anymore. (laughs) Enterprise systems were primarily on-premise, but the market was already seeing early attempts at providing systems on rented infrastructure, or local preparations for cloud platforms in shared environments, today’s public cloud applications.
As the sales director, you now manage a team of 8 members, including yourself. Is it currently difficult to find new talent for a department that sells ERP systems and related services?
In our field, recruitment is currently a challenge overall, and filling sales positions is no exception. The competition is tough, demand for salespeople is rising, and finding suitable candidates isn’t easy. However, we believe in our culture and past experience that a new team member with enthusiasm and energy will fit in without much difficulty and soon become a valuable asset contributing to the growth of our activities.
Mibcon changed its logo and entire visual style in 2015. Do you still remember the reasons behind that decision?
Honestly, not in great detail, as I wasn’t part of the core team that prepared the change. But I assume it was the desire, after many years, to give the company a fresher image. We wanted to combine the declaration of growth and stability of a company that had a strong market position and many satisfied customers with communication in new colors. We also wanted to be a bit unique. This was especially reflected in the approach to the website.
In what ways do you think today’s Mibcon differs from the 2015 version? Do you perceive any significant transformation?
It has definitely changed in some ways, and that’s only natural. I believe we’ve doubled in size over that time, and we had to introduce some processes. But for me personally, it’s still a group of friends and passionate people who love their work and move the company forward, sometimes even at the expense of their own lives or needs. You don’t see that very often.
Mibcon, as a partner of SAP Czech Republic, regularly receives awards for its business results. In your opinion, where does its main strength lie?
Awards and success are always tied to a specific year. Our long-term customers help us a lot, as we manage to maintain good relationships with them and continue bringing them something new. These are really their successes as well. I see our strengths in high competence, stability, a human approach, and enthusiasm for innovation.
I know you are one of the avid mib:golfers. Besides golf, what else helps you unwind from a demanding job?
Nature, sports, family, probably common, ordinary things. I don’t need anything special to relax. Sometimes, paradoxically, the work itself brings me relaxation when it is very diverse.
You used to play a lot of football. Will you ever play again?
I played football from a young age, first in Liberec and then with local teams in lower leagues. However, combining work with commuting to Prague and family life became complicated over time, so I ultimately decided to end this weekend hobby. What I still hold on to is indoor football with friends. We’ve been playing it regularly every week on Tuesday evenings for about 20 years. It’s great fun and a challenge for my fitness. I’m glad I can regularly enjoy this activity.
Mibcon celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. What would you wish for the company in the coming years?
I would definitely like to wish it many enthusiastic and positive Mibcon employees who enjoy their work, as well as a lot of satisfied and accommodating customers. This way, the work can continue to thrive as it has so far, and growth will come along with it, ensuring the company remains healthy in both its relationships and finances. Ultimately, I hope this combination leads to the natural growth of Mibcon, just as we have experienced so far, keeping our company healthy both in relationships and financially.
Thank you for the interview.
Vladimír Vaněček
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